
Iceflaker units. Complete with ompressor, condenser and controls
SM iceflaker evaporator. 550 kg/24h. True marine iceflaker. Ice from hot seawater is possible wihout any changes to the construction.
A brine iceflaker for 1200 kg/24h. Marine version. The iceflaker will work with any type of brine.
Brine iceflaker. Capacity 2500 kg/24h. Refrigerant: Brine.
SM350MY iceflaker head. Small brine iceflaker. Perfect when you have brine available and just need a small amount of ice.
SE4500ULS. 4500 kg flake ice unit. Split version with condensing unit outside and the iceflaker head inside.
PAE4500P. Amonia iceflaker for pump circulation. This iceflaker is equipped with a water precooler to ensure premium icequality from hot freshwater.